In Epictown, there are 2 types of plots, prebuilt plots, and versatile empty plots.

Prebuilt: Style 1
This first style has very limited floor space, and therefore the price is cheapest. Floor space measures about 5x4x5, minus the fireplace.
Price is currently set to $500. There are currently 4 of these.

Prebuilt: Style 2
This second style has much bigger floor space than the first, and measures 6x5x5.
Price is currently set to $1,000. There are only 2 of these.

Empty: Style 1
The classic EpicTown shop style from previous maps. It may look like just an empty plot, but it’s a place where you can build it however you desire! Make it flashy and eye-catching! Floor space size is 6×5.
There are currently 10 in the $500 tier, 6 in the $1000 tier, and 3 in the $1500 tier, depending on location and distance from warp point.

Empty: Style 2
These beauties are situated above the river, with glass floors so you can get an awesome view of the cute fishies, like an aquarium! Floor space is the biggest out of all the plots, at 8×7!
There are only 3 of these, each priced at $2500.